AMERICAN MOMENTS: PHOTOGRAPHS FROM THE PHILLIPS COLLECTION 6 JUNE – 13 SEPTEMBER 2015 THE PHILLIPS COLLECTION | WASHINGTON, DC, USA A celebration of recent major gifts to the museum, American Moments: Photographs from The Phillips Collection will feature over 130 photographs by more ...
Posts With Tag: Walker Evans
Kunsthaus Graz | HyperAmerica. Landscape – Image – Reality
Posted by Arty-Buzz on actualité culturelle, Culture / Tagged: Austria, Ben Schonzeit, Don Eddy, Ed Ruscha, Edward Hopper, Graz, HyperAmerica, Joel Sternfeld, John Baeder, John Salt, Kunsthaus Graz, Landscape – Image – Reality, Lee Friedlander, Lewis Baltz, Ralph Goings, Richard Estes, Richard McLean, Robert Adams, Robert Cottingham, Stephen Shore, Walker Evans |
HyperAmerica Landscape – Image – Reality 10 April – 30 August 2015 Kunsthaus Graz | Graz, Austria HyperAmerica explores the notion of the American landscape in the second half of the 20th century, revealing how the advent of Hyperrealist painting represented the glorification of a romantic American tradition of depicting the land. ...
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